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Inclement Weather Closure

TCC will close on Wednesday, Jan. 22. All in-person and online classes and activities are canceled.

Instruction Committee

The Instruction Committee:

  • Considers, discusses, and makes recommendations on instructional issues that advance the academic mission of the college
  • Recommends policy and procedures related to broad academic initiatives to improve instruction and student learning
  • Reports through the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer

Read the bylaws


  1. Review and recommend any revisions to policies, procedures, plans, or other relevant documents that are germane to the purpose of the Instruction Committee, e.g., course outlines and course syllabus templates, the General Education Assessment Plan, Policy 2015 Academic Standards.
  2. Develop and maintain content pertaining to instructional effectiveness for inclusion in the Instructional Resource Repository.
  3. Facilitate and finalize rubric revisions that align with the college’s new General Education Assessment Plan and associated learning outcomes.
  4. From the perspective of the Instruction Committee’s purpose and role in shared governance, make recommendations for changes to the committee’s 2019‐20 bylaws (including name, purpose, mission, and membership) to align with the college’s efforts around Guided Pathways. Include the purpose behind any recommended changes, and seek the input of college stakeholders and constituents when necessary or appropriate. Any changes must adhere to the processes set forth by the General Guidelines for Shared Governance System created by the PAPC and documented on the TCC website.
  5. From the perspective of Instruction Committee’s purpose and function at TCC:
    • Review and document the previous strategic plan for strengths and weaknesses;
    • Make recommendations for developing the next strategic plan including (but not limited to) best practices for college wide engagement to adequately represent the unique perspectives and role of the committee.
    • Make recommendations for ensuring that the Performance Funding Metrics and Student Progression Markers are incorporated into the strategic plan.


  1. Facilitate and finalize Professional Readiness rubric revisions that align with the college’s new General Education Assessment Plan.
  2. Review TCC data and related research on the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER). Recommend strategies for OER adoption at TCC.
  3. Collaborate with DLTC to reword segments in current TCC syllabus template for online and hybrid courses.


  1. Facilitate review of the Quantitative Literacy rubric and make revisions that align with the college’s new General Education Assessment Plan and associated learning outcomes.
  2. Develop and maintain content pertaining to instructional effectiveness for inclusion in the Instructional Resource Repository
  3. Create library resources (navigating Canvas) and placing somewhere on the modules and/or syllabus to help improve information literacy.
  4. Work with the Curriculum committee to determine ways to infuse D, E, & I into our curricula and courses in accordance with One Virginia Plan- (state law).


  • Meetings are generally the first Friday of the month via Zoom from 1 – 3p.m.
  • 2023: September 15*, October 6, November 3, December 1
  • 2024: January TBD, February 2, March 1, April 5, May 3

The Instruction Committee is allowed up to three teaching faculty members appointed by the PAPC and, if necessary, the PAPC is directed to use the appointments to ensure that each campus has at least one Faculty Representative on the committee.

Mike Blankenship (Co-Chair)
Stacey Laney (Co-Chair)
Arts & Humanities
Lisa Carter
Angela Slaughter
Business, Computer Science & IT
Swati Chokshi
Engineering, Maritime & Skilled Trades
Tianna RamosHealth Professions
Stuart MitcheisonManufacturing & Transportation
VacantPublic & Professional Services and Education
David (Steve) DeLong
Heng Fu
Science & Mathematics
Thomas Slopnick
Glenn (Bert) Fox
Social Sciences
Heather Fitzgerald (Recorder)Librarians
Becky GreeneDirector of General Education Assessment and
Curriculum Management (Academic Affairs) 
Steve LitherlandAssociate Vice President for Libraries (Ex-Officio)

Stacey Laney [email protected]

Michael Blankenship [email protected]