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Skilled Trades Academy expanding to offer more training options for students

TCC President and supporters cut the ribbon at the Skilled Trades Academy Expansion Celebration and Ribbon Cutting

Tidewater Community College celebrated the expansion of TCC’s Skilled Trades Academy (STA) in Portsmouth. The expansion provides an additional 12,000 square feet of space for workforce training. 

The STA opened in 2019 and is currently a 20,000-square-foot academy, located at 3303 Airline Blvd. It is one of the largest trade academies run by a community college on the East Coast and the only one of its kind in Virginia. It provides short-term workforce training for in-demand careers in construction, maritime trades and more.

“We are growing because we want to address workforce needs in the community,” said TCC President Marcia Conston. “To be able to meet the demand beyond the skilled trades training currently offered we had to expand and provide students with a space to come with no background in the skilled trades and leave with skills that enable them to provide for their families long term.” 

Current trades offered at the academy are carpentry, forklift, logistics, marine coatings, pipefitting, sheet metal, ship fitting and welding. The expansion will increase enrollment capacity in these offerings by 22 percent. 

Joined by industry partners that have supported the growth of the STA since its inception including members of all three of TCC’s boards, the College Board, Real Estate Foundation Board, and the Educational Foundation Board. TCC also welcomed The Beazley Foundation and Elizabeth River Crossings OpCo (ERC) who supported the expansion of STA.

“As an infrastructure company, ERC highly values skilled labor. A majority of our workforce is our Operations & Maintenance team. They are on the roadways every day, 24/7, ensuring that our roadways remain safe and open to traffic and are well-maintained. All that training starts with skilled trades,” stated Anna Bonet, ERC Chief Executive Officer. “Through this partnership we reinforce our commitment with the Community, along with community health, environment and toll relief, education, is one of our key pillars in terms of Community engagement.”

In addition, the expansion will increase current program offerings by 56 percent and overall enrollment capacity by 86 percent.  New and updated programs will include building maintenance, electrical, heavy equipment operator, HVACR, logistics, machining, marine electrical, pipelaying, plumbing, roofing and wind turbine technology.

“Fred W. Beazley always nourished the idea of creating opportunities to make it possible for any deserving youth, many without financial means, to get an education. Seventy-six years later that mission remains a part of the foundations work today,” stated Stephen Best, President and CEO of the Beazley Foundation. “Today the Beazley foundation is proud to carry on the legacy of Mr. Beazley supporting this expansion with a financial gift that will continue providing opportunities for our youth and those looking to switch careers to learn a much-needed skill trade and ultimately enjoy the success that comes from a good education and benefits, and ability to secure a successful long-term career.” 

Located at 3303 Airline Blvd. in Portsmouth, the STA looks to provide opportunities for the citizens of the City of Portsmouth and those of South Hampton Roads. 

“The City of Portsmouth and Portsmouth at Work are also proud funding partners of the TCC Skilled Trades Academy, this is all about community and all of us working together,” stated City of Portsmouth Mayor Shannon Glover. “On behalf of the city council, the citizens of Portsmouth, and the businesses of Portsmouth, please accept our deepest gratitude for believing in the potential of our citizens, investing in their success and helping us to expand opportunities for skilled trades. It is through these partnerships that we continue to move Portsmouth forward, ensuring that every person in our city has access to what I like to call a pathway to prosperity.” 

To date, 96 percent of students who are certified in training programs through the STA are hired by regional employers. They are career-ready and have the in-demand trade skills, as well as the soft skills needed to succeed on the job.